Tuesday, January 8, 2008


The only way to have a good worship is, as everything else, simple. It's to love God and put yourself altogether for Him for that hour. That's simple. And, just keep in mind that it is YOURSELF that you have to worry about. It's not the music, it's not the pastor, it's not the guy who is sitting next to you falling asleep.

Is your church going through a rough time? Do you want to bring your church back on track? Give yourself to God. That's all God wants. Love Him, enjoy His Presence, He will take care of the rest.

We often times get sidetracked with all the worries about the malfunctioning system or programs. Do you want to fix your church problem? Then, please, put your eyes and attention from the system and the programs. Put your eyes and attention to God instead. You may wonder how you can do that, when you are in the worrying mode for your church that's about to be liquidated. The church is NOT yours, but God's. And, the very first question you should've asked was "Do I love Jesus?" not everything else you've asked.

Let's get our churches straighted up. Let's fill them with love of Jesus. Your church doesn't have any people, say less than 10? That is good! You can save 10 people!!! It's about Him, not the number of people who pretend to go to your church. It is the number of people saved. It is the number of happy people in Jesus. It is the number of people touched, met, embrassed by Jesus and the warmth of you.

Rise up, America. It's time to do the work. No more motions. It's time to carry the light. It's time to kneel down and get to the basic. It's all about God and you! Be totally contend with Him then things will make sense. When you meet Jesus and when everything is about Him, you will see life is so very simple.

If you think life is complicated, you need to go back to the basic. To Bible, to your prayer place, to Jesus Christ Our Savior.

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